Download This Proven Blueprint To Begin Applying & Planning Your New Patient Acquisition Strategy Today!


This downloadable infographic gives you a visual blueprint to help uncover the holes in your existing marketing plan and serve as the foundation for building a comprehensive approach that includes all three areas of masterful marketing: Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing and Client Acquisition.

  • A general overview of how your marketing fits together. The most important aspect of marketing, especially in chiropractic is consistency and frequency. I understand you might be doing Facebook, but if you're not leveraging Facebook ads to grow your email list, you're missing out on a powerful multiplier.
  • What marketing avenues you need to be exploring. Yes, social media is currently the most popular but, there is a lot of gold (almost the best kind) in the (wrongly) so-called 'boring' old methods of marketing. Some of the best docs use only these sources exclusively with excellent results.
  • A map showing you the path to treasure. Personally, The Ultimate Chiropractic Marketing Blueprint serves as an outline for creating a powerful marketing machine. It helps me look at my practice, see areas of my marketing that are weak, or at one time non-existent, and begin creating those areas to plug into my marketing machine.

"Times of significant change and uncertainty can be times of massive growth if you're willing to work hard, and you know what to do.

The Chiropractic Marketing Blueprint is our outline for every successful campaign we've ever launched. Use it to help focus your marketing and get you more reach and market share, while everyone else is still trying to figure out what to do."

Dr. Jamie Richards, CEO Life By Design Inc.