Tag: chiropractic philosophy

#112 Why Chiropractic is Not a Philosophy


Do you find yourself frustrated that your practice members and even the local community, aren’t acting as if you would act?

“Why are they doing XYZ instead of ABC?”

Even before the current crisis, were you saying “Why don’t they get it?”

You see, we want people to do what we would do by telling them what to do. That simply doesn’t work on any kind of scale.

You may find a handful of patients that don’t like to think for themselves and they’ll be motivated by your authority… that is until another authority takes your place and knocks the lowly chiropractor from the pedestal.

If you want people to act the same or even in similar ways as you, (and you do, otherwise why get involved in the first place), you must teach them to think.

The starting point is you and your viewpoint on life. Once you’ve clarified that, you can more easily teach it to others in ways that’ll be consumable and actionable.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, we start with the flawed position that plagues most chiropractors…we address why chiropractic is NOT a philosophy.

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