#136 It’s Always Something


Have you ever caught yourself making this statement?

“It’s always something!”

Typically it comes at a time of stress or overwhelm, a time when you’re ready to throw your hands up in the air and give in.

The sentiment is, of course, a negative one.

An endless loop of challenges, uncertainty and the lack of confidence you can overcome them.

“It’s always something!”

You’re right, it is always something.

Once you accept that as truth, everything else that follows will change.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share a new perspective and subsequent action plan. Read More

#135 How to Avoid Rejection in Practice


I don’t know many people who enjoy being rejected.

Me included!

In my experience, that fear of rejection is even more pronounced in Chiropractors.

Unfortunately, that was likely a bad career choice for many as Chiropractic is rejected on the regular.

What if there was a way to not only minimize the fear and feelings associated with rejection and completely turn the tables but in most cases, make it non-existent all together.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I share one of my favourite headspace hacks.

Enjoy! Read More

#134 The Chiropractor’s Restoration Routine


One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine.

A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly.

Not all routines are helpful or move you towards a predetermined goal, they’re simply routines due to repetition.

You’ll see routines, even rituals, a more intentional form of routine, among many high achievers across a variety of professions.

What makes routines so impactful is the ability to automate them and require little to no willpower.

This makes consistency easier and as such, the opportunity for a maximum return even more likely.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I shared my Perfect Restoration Routine in hope it would spark you to do the same! Read More

#133 Everything That Matters, Matters


Does everything matter?

As far as my practice goes, I once believed that it did.

That was until Mike stepped in to save me from myself once again.

That belief was causing burnout, stress and frustration.

It was an impossible standard to achieve and keep up.


I knew something about the concept was true.

Turns out it was a simple but profound fix.

It was the addition of one single word.

Everything that matters, matters.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we unpackage this can of worms. Read More