Tag: strategies

#86 3 BEST OF: The 4 Requirements Of A Successful Practice


Welcome to our first “Best of” episode of The Life By Design For Chiropractors Podcast!

From time to time we revisit some of your favourite, most downloaded episodes as the material is still relevant and it obviously had struck a chord then and we know it will again.

One of the cornerstones of Life By Design is the concept of requirements and strategies…

A requirement is something that you (or in this case your practice) NEEDS… these are non-negotiable. An example would be oxygen… As a human you need oxygen to live. It’s required for life and no amount of wishing, hoping, and dreaming is going to change that.

A strategy is a specific WAY in which you meet a requirement… there are many strategies. Let’s go back to our oxygen example. Oxygen is required BUT you can get oxygen in a variety of ways… breathing is one. But you can also use a respirator or you can get oxygen through an I.V.

The point is simple…

On today’s podcast we talk about the requirements for a successful practice and the most effective strategies for meeting those requirements. Read More