Tag: 3rd paradigm chiropractic

#138 The Tale Of Two Practices


It was the best of times.

It was the worst of times.

It was the age of wisdom.

It was the…

You probably get the idea.

In “Chiro” world, the preached purpose is to see as many people as possible and create a subluxation-free world.

That means doing whatever it takes to see more people and “serve” more people.

It’s a statement that’s been screamed from the stage and now social media, since the dawn of Chiropractic times.


Is an ever-growing practice really the only practice worth it’s salt?

Could it even be in opposition to a fantastic life for the Chiropractor themselves?

Over the past few years a pattern has emerged among clients, docs we’ve consulted with and I’ve even experienced in my own practice.

There are two practices a subluxation-centered doc should consider.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I discuss them both. Read More

Reggie Gold’s Three Questions


I love Reggie Gold.

If you don’t know who this person is, and that’s becoming more and more possible, you need to expose yourself as much Reggie content as possible.

The one caveat, and I may rub some chiropractors the wrong way with this statement, is to be wary of his business model.

It’s a bust and honestly, terrible.

That said, Reggie was a fantastic communicator.

His clarity regarding The Third Paradigm of Chiropractic and how to help the public understand is second to none.

One of the recordings that stuck with me and continues to influence our Day One – Two process are his “3 Questions”.

The “3 Questions” seem simple, but when you deconstruct them, they’re actually quite genius.

On thiss episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I break down Reggie’s “3 Questions”. Read More

#59 How To Transition From 2nd To 3rd Paradigm Chiropractic


The bulk of the Chiropractic profession utilizes a practice approach that was built on the premise that subluxations are the cause of real health problems and by correcting them, health challenges will improve or disappear.

This concept has led to most of the practice styles and practice management models in existence.

Some leaders, specifically Dr. Reggie Gold, recognized the contradiction of this approach and worked tirelessly to change it. He dedicated his entire life to creating a new model of chiropractic practice built on the simple principle that all human beings were better off not subluxated.

Based on this idea…it didn’t matter what someone’s symptom or condition was, only if there was the presence or absence of vertebral subluxations.

The concept is now recognized as Third Paradigm Chiropractic.

Today’s episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors was born from a question we repeatedly receive…

“I have an existing practice (purchased a practice) but it’s definitely not Third Paradigm. How do I transition my current practice to the Third Paradigm practice style?”

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