Tag: systems

#143 How to Handle Patient Drop Outs


When I started my practice, I was 1000% convinced I would never lose a patient.

Call me naive, many have before…

I assumed if I simply taught them “what I knew, they would do what I do.”

Every other Chiropractor had it wrong.

I had it right.

Until it happened to me.

Which, by the way, took approximately 5 days into my practice life.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, Kreso and I take another break from Training Camp to discuss our once utopian views of practice, and how we now handle the reality without letting it minimize our impact or happiness. Read More

#125 Fix Your Retention Starting With This ONE Word


We’ve been staunch proponents of building and cultivating a lexicon for years.

All great brands have their own language…

The tall, grande and venti from Starbucks being an obvious example.

There are times in the development of your lexicon that certain words become prominent in pop culture and within the media, we’d be remiss not to use them to our advantage.

Extraordinary communication is helping people to understand and consume what we’re teaching and have it result in the actions we’d love for them to take.

Actions in our case, that will without question, lead to a happier and healthier life.

Over the past 4 months in practice I’ve noticed an increasingly obvious awareness and response to a certain word I’ve used for years. Only now, with it’s emergence in the cultural lexicon, patients are taking it to mean something even more important than ever before.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, I explain how this came to be and how to use the principle to for building a powerful lexicon of your own.

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#106 My Exact 2nd Report Framework


What do you say at Day 2?

What do you say at future reports?

What do you say at the table?

Let’s start by saying, what I say isn’t necessarily what you should be saying.

Personally, I made the mistake of copying what Reggie or other great communicators would say to their patients and it took me years to realize it wasn’t just what I was saying but WHO I was that was saying it.

That’s not to suggest having a well designed, strategic approach to your communication isn’t helpful… it is…when it’s authentically coming from you.

With that context, here it is. Exactly what you’re often asking for…what to say.

This is a very small slice of what happens at The Life By Design TRAINING Camp. Take note, I said TRAINING, as that’s what makes this event unique.

If you listen closely and more than once, and I suggest you do, you’ll find important nuances that accumulate together to create an experience culminating in a strong win-win agreement.
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#101 Growth Or Profitability?


Growth – expansion, more visits, more revenue, more new cases, more patients stockpiling in your practice.

These are not the only metrics but they are a key performance indicators that would indicate “growth”.

Profitability – the bottom line, what’s left after your gross revenue minus expenses.

While growth and profitability are not mutually exclusive, it is very difficult to put your attention on both at the same time.

A growth focus requires a certain mindset and a willingness to reinvest capital into developing areas within your business.

On this episode Life By Design For Chiropractors, we map out the required information and action steps to determine which focus you should have and the consequences of each. Read More