Tag: chiropractic marketing

#142 Stop Blaming Your Market


Struggling with your marketing?

Crickets when you post a video to social?

No one is visiting your website?

You’ve created the world’s greatest lead magnet…

And not a single person has opted in?

It must be your market.

Really, it’s the only logical solution.

Similar to your patient who has “tried” everything and even followed your advice to a T.

Yes, sure they did. 🙂

When you have a marketing problem, the single most productive approach is to assume YOU, not your market, is the problem.

Even if you aren’t the only issue, it’s still the fastest, most controllable way to right the ship and get headed in the direction you’d like.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors, Kreso and I get back together for a live discussion about markets. Read More

#126 When Emailing Your List Goes Bad


One of the biggest fears business owners, entrepreneurs, and chiropractors alike have about email marketing is how often to “hit send.”

It’s common to be worried about spamming your people, your leads, and your community… it’s because you care, right?

Or, maybe it’s because you’re scared of looking bad, annoying a potential prospect, or having someone opt-out of your list never to be heard of again.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we’re sharing our experiences with email marketing, both good and bad.

The goal is to help you learn some from our mistakes and victories in order to make yourself a better marketer and help more people!

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#111 How Much Should You Spend On Social Media Marketing


If you were guaranteed $2 for every $1 you spent, wouldn’t you be looking for more cash to invest?

Every doc wishes a promise of return on their marketing investments but their hesitation from the lack of guarantee is massively restricting their growth.

When it comes to paid traffic or any investment for that matter, there is no promise of success, only a probability based on one’s skills, knowledge and experience.

Once you understand this reality, it’s much easier work within the rules and yield results.

On this episodes of Life By Design For Chiropractors I talk about my own success and failures with scaling my online marketing.

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#82 Are You Making These Mistakes?


As you scroll through your news feed, skim your newest 100 emails or get lost spiraling through Instagram, this is your lifeline…


A show stopping statement, a message that sparks curiosity or even a graphic that simply shocks you.

In each instance, your mindless consumption of information comes to a complete stop and you need to know more.

That’s the purpose of the headline!

To stop the consumer and get them to pay attention to YOU in a sea of noise and clutter.

Your business is just one of millions and as a chiropractor, it’s highly likely it’s one they are NOT searching for…at least not yet.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I’m joined by our marketing pro, Dr. Michael Gibson, and we go granular on headlines.

We often discuss very high level ideas and concepts as they relate to your success in a Retention Based Practice but today we get into the nitty gritty of headlines.

Are you making these headline mistakes? Read More