Tag: chiropractic podcast

#130 11 Things I Learned in a Pandemic


It’s been a wild year!

I have a simple question for you…

Did you learn anything?

Anything that can be used to grow, to develop yourself or your business into a better version of what it was when the world took a tumble?

I did.

In this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share the 11 things I learned during a global pandemic. Read More

#126 When Emailing Your List Goes Bad


One of the biggest fears business owners, entrepreneurs, and chiropractors alike have about email marketing is how often to “hit send.”

It’s common to be worried about spamming your people, your leads, and your community… it’s because you care, right?

Or, maybe it’s because you’re scared of looking bad, annoying a potential prospect, or having someone opt-out of your list never to be heard of again.

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we’re sharing our experiences with email marketing, both good and bad.

The goal is to help you learn some from our mistakes and victories in order to make yourself a better marketer and help more people!

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#102 How To Make Your Patients The Hero


When it comes to your brand and your practice… who is the hero?

Is it you, your business or is it the prospect and practice member?

Great brands find a way to create a customer focused culture and your chiropractic practice should be no different!

On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I share my experience from the past 6 months during which we’ve invested a large volume of time and energy into making our members the hero of the story.

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#94 How To Boost Your Revenue Without Adding Visits (or Compromising Your Values)


It’s nice to be paid well for providing value, doing what you love… I highly doubt many docs would disagree.

However, the thought of grinding out more patient visits or adding more days, especially if you’re already feeling the pressure of your ceiling caving in, is haunting.

The stress, fatigue and anxiety builds just starting to think about it.

Thankfully, you saw a FB ad for the next, best product or service you can add to your practice and soon you’ll be free!!!!

“It’s a simple, turnkey system.”….suuuure it is.

Forget the fact it has little to do with the Core Product you’re delivering, that it’s costing you precious time for a minuscule return or even worse, it’s eating away at your credibility… 

What if there was a way to increase your revenue without seeing more visits or working more days?

It’s called ascension. Read More