Tag: marketing

#30 How To Create A Lucrative Marketing Blueprint For 2017


While the final two months of the year are a wonderful time for strategic planning, they are especially perfect for planning the marketing segment of your business.

Most small businesses practice reactive marketing…when customers are dwindling, they institute an uptick to their marketing campaigns and launch recycled tactics to grab a few new clients to keep the machine churning.

It can work, in fact it’s how most chiropractic practices generate new business. The problem is that “working” is far from optimal.

Without a marketing strategy and blueprint you’re leaving massive impact and profits on the table, not to mention significantly increasing your stress and frustration.

The solution is a well thought out Marketing Blueprint and a plan to start taking action. Read More

#27 How To Use Surveys To Capture Valuable Data About Your Market And Turn Leads Into New Patients


The best doctors have the ability to listen to their patients and communicate in a way that they’ll be heard. The same principle applies to the best marketers.

Imagine if you could merge the two?

One strategy is to properly apply surveys and gain information from your active members and leads that will give you the inside track when it comes to your marketing.

Enjoy this episode!

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#20 The 3 Most Fatal Marketing Mistakes Chiropractors Make – Mistake #1


This marketing mistake is the biggest one of all… and it’s not because it’s something challenging to do.

The marketing mistake chiropractors make most often is not knowing their market well enough.

On this episode we tell you why your avatar is so important and how to leverage that knowledge into marketing that matters.

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#19 The 3 Most Fatal Marketing Mistakes Chiropractors Make – Mistake #2


Episode #2 in this 3 part series uncovers one of the foundational components to your marketing success…a plan.

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