As you scroll through your news feed, skim your newest 100 emails or get lost spiraling through Instagram, this is your lifeline…
A show stopping statement, a message that sparks curiosity or even a graphic that simply shocks you.
In each instance, your mindless consumption of information comes to a complete stop and you need to know more.
That’s the purpose of the headline!
To stop the consumer and get them to pay attention to YOU in a sea of noise and clutter.
Your business is just one of millions and as a chiropractor, it’s highly likely it’s one they are NOT searching for…at least not yet.
On this episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors I’m joined by our marketing pro, Dr. Michael Gibson, and we go granular on headlines.
We often discuss very high level ideas and concepts as they relate to your success in a Retention Based Practice but today we get into the nitty gritty of headlines.
Are you making these headline mistakes? Read More